Student Leadership

The SRC at Emerald Secondary College plays an active role in the running of our school. Student Leader Representatives across all year levels assist with organising and running a range of events. We have College Captains, Vice Captains and Junior Captains who show positive leadership, inspiring our Year Level leaders to step up and become involved in events at the College. They represent the College on many occasions including Open Nights, Information Evenings and the local Anzac Day services, etc.

Whole school assemblies are run by our SRC with their roles including introducing guests, informing the wider school community about upcoming events and involving students from all year levels. They approach this role with professionalism and confidence.

Members of the SRC attend training days such as the Vic SRC Regional Conference Day, where they represent Emerald and meet and work with students from across our region. These days involve discussions centred on the role of the SRC in schools and how they can be involved in the way schools run. Our student voice is an integral part of our planning and philosophy at Emerald.

Meetings are held to debate the merits of a range of charities and causes, with decisions made as to how they would like the money raised to be distributed.

Planning for events takes place late in each calendar year to further develop leadership opportunities at the College.

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